Lumbini is the traditional birthplace of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, who was born in the 7th or 6th century BC.
According to Buddhist tradition, Maya Devi (or Mayadevi) gave birth to the Buddha on her way to her parent’s home in Devadaha in the month of May in the year 642 BC. Feeling the onset of labor pains, she grabbed hold of the branches of a shade tree and gave birth to Siddharta Gautama, the future Buddha. The Buddha is said to have announced, “This is my final rebirth” as he entered the world. Buddhist tradition also has it that he walked immediately after his birth and took seven steps, under each of which a lotus flower bloomed.
In 249 BC, the Buddhist convert Emperor Ashoka visited Lumbini and constructed four stupas and a stone pillar. Ashoka’s Pillar bears an inscription that translates as: “King Piyadasi (Ashoka), beloved of devas, in the 20 year of the coronation, himself made a royal visit, Buddha Sakyamuni having been born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected to the Bhagavan [“blessed one”] having been born here. Lumbini village was taxed reduced and entitled to the eighth part (only)”.
Monasteries and temples were built at Lumbini until the 9th century, but Buddhism declined in the area after the arrival of Islam and later Hinduism. All that remained was a sculpture, revered by local women as a fertility symbol. The garden of the Buddha’s birth was lost for a thousand years.
The site was rediscovered in 1895, when a German archaeologist came upon Ashoka’s Pillar, identified by its inscription. Records made by the Chinese pilgrim Fa Xian were also used in the process of identifying this religiously acclaimed site. Lumbini was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.
Lumbini is in west-central of Nepal near the Indian border. It is not terribly easy to get to, and the site does not receive a large amount of visitors. Most pilgrims to Lumbini come from Southeast Asia, Japan and Tibet, but westerners come regularly as well.
Day 01 Arrival day in Kathmandu (1,300 m)
Arrival in Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport, a representative from Matterhorn Treks & Expedition will transfer to your hotel, we will brief about your trip activities. You’ll have rest of the day at leisure.
Overnight at Hotel B/B.
Day 02 Full day sightseeing in Kathmandu with professional tour guide
Sightseeing in some of landmarks that are the World Heritage Sites of Kathmandu Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of (Pashupati Nath), the famous ‘Monkey Temple’ (Swayambhu Nath) and Buddhists shrine (Bouddha Nath). You can also make your last minute buying of personal items and preparation for the next day.
Overnight at Hotel
Day 03: fly Kathmandu to Pokhara 820 m
Breakfast at the hotel, off to domestic airport for morning flight to Pokhara. Upon arrival in Pokhara, you will be transferred to your hotel. Half day tour of Pokhara City.
Pokhara is a place of remarkable natural beauty. The serenity of Phewa Lake and the magnificence of the fish tail summit rising behind it create an ambiance of peace and magic. At an elevation lower than Kathmandu, it has much more tropical feel to it, a fact well appreciated by the beautiful diversity of flowers which prosper in its environment. Indeed, the valley surrounding Pokhara is home to thick forest, gushing rivers, emerald lakes and of course, the views of world famous Himalayas.
Overnight at Hotel.
Day 4 Sightseeing in Pokhara
Boating on Phewa Lake, visit Mahendra cave, David falls, the world peace Stupa, Tibetan Refugee camp etc.
Day 5 Drive to Lumbini (Birth place of Lord Buddha)
Day 6 After breakfast visit Lumbini Garden, Shanti Stupa, Ashokan Pillar
An inscribed pillar erected by Emperor Ashoka (249 BC) on the spot of Buddha’s birth. The inscription, which is the oldest in Nepal, grants Lumbini a tax-free status in honor of Buddha’s birth, Buddhist Temples – there are foundations of temples dating from the 2nd century BC to the 9th century AD, and two modern temples: one in Tibetan style, the Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Temple, which was built by the king of Mustang, and one Nepalese Theravada style building, the Lumbini Buddha Vihar, which was built by the Nepalese government and contains Tibetan-style frescoes and Newari-style Buddhist images.
Outside the main complex, there are other temples built in the styles of countries where Buddhism is the predominant religion, such as Chinese, Japanese and Burmese, The Japan Peace Stupa – the 41 m imposing structure is situated at the northern end of the gardens, The Lumbini Museum displays artifacts from the Mauryan and Kushana periods, religious manuscripts and other items discovered at the site and The Lumbini International Research Institute (LIRI) is devoted to the study of Buddhism and other religions. It houses an extensive collection of books on religion, art and architecture.
Overnight at Hotel.
Drive to Chitwan National Park at dawn. Chitwan National Park has long been one the country’ treasures of natural wonders. Chitwan is famous for Gharial Breeding Center, Kasara 1 Km. A crocodile breeding center. Lake Lamital, Lake Devital, Bikram Baba’, a religious site,Chitwan Hatisar Elephant Breeding Center, Bishajari Tal (20000 Lakes).
Overnight at Hotel.
More than 43 species of animals are found in Chitwan.The endangered one-horned rhino, Royal Bengal tiger, Gharial crocodile, four-horned antelope, striped hyena & the Gangetic dolphin are the main attractions. Many adventurers also choose to go down to Chitwan by raft. A jungle safari is an experience you will remember for a long time.
Overnight at Hotel.
After breakfast ,full day Jungle activities like Hiking, Jungle Safari, Elephant ride, Boating in Rapti and Motorcycle Safari Explore the Jungle and traditional Tharu villages on a classic motorcycle.
Overnight at Hotel.
After breakfast we drive to Nagarkot and have an excellent view of the Himalayan range en route. Overnight at Hotel.
After breakfast we drive back to Kathmandu it will takes 45 min to get KTM.
Overnight at Hotel.
Day 12 KATHMANDU. This pleasant day you may have full day at leisure at your own or can be extends your extra trip with us on additional cost or time to explore the Thamel for last day shopping and evening Matterhorn Treks & Expedition will take you for Farewell dinner.
Overnight at Hotel.
Matterhorn treks & Expedition will transferred to the International Airport your departure flight to your on wards destination
Día 1: Arribo a Katmandú (1.300 mts)
Llegada al Aeropuerto Internacional Tribhuvan de Katmandú donde un representante de Matterhorn le llevará a su hotel. En este lugar se hará una breve descripción sobre su viaje. El resto del día es libre.
Día 2: Katmandú y sus atractivos
Visita a algunos de los principales atractivos que forman parte de los Sitios Patrimonio de la Humanidad de Katmandú como son: Dubar Square, el templo sagrado hinduista de Pashupati Nath, el famoso Monkey Temple (Swayambhu Nath) y el santuario budista de Bouddha Nath.
Día 3: Katmandú – Pokhara (820 mts)
Temprano en la mañana y después del desayuno se toma transporte privado para dirigirse al aeropuerto doméstico de Katmandú para tomar vuelo a Pokhara.
Pokhara es un lugar de sobresaliente belleza natural. La tranquilidad del lago Phewa y la magnificencia de las cumbres del Himalaya despuntando tras la ciudad crean un ambiente de paz y magia. Con una elevación menor a la de Katmandú posee un un clima más cálido que ésta lo que le otorga gran diversidad de flores, rios, lagos color esmeralda y por supuesto las mundialmente famosas vistas del Himalaya.
Día 4: Pokhara y sus atractivos
Se puede optar entre varias alternativas que incluyen: paseo en bote por el lago Phewa, visita a la cueva Mahendra, visita a la Estupa de la Paz Mundial o conocer el campo de refugiados tibetanos, entre otras.
Día 5: Pokhara – Lumbini
El viaje por tierra dura unas 8 horas.
Día 6: Visita a Lumbini
Una inscripción en la columna levantada por el emperador Ashoka (249 AC) en el lugar de nacimiento del Buddha, otorga a Lumbini la condición de lugar libre de impuestos como homenaje a su nacimiento en este lugar.
Lumbini cuenta con una gran cantidad de templos de diversos países dedicados al Buddha.
Los más antiguos fueron erigidos entre el siglo II AC y el siglo IX BC. También se pueden visitar dos templos modernos: el Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Temple de estilo tibetano y que fue construido por el rey de Mustang; y el Lumbini Buddha Vihar de estilo nepalí Theravada y que fue construido por el gobierno de Nepal.
Saliendo del recinto principal existen otros templos construidos en los respectivos estilos de los países donde el Budismo es una religión importante, como son los casos de Japón, Corea o Myanmar.
El museo de Lumbini expone artefactos de los períodos Mauryan y Kudhana, manuscritos religiosos y otros objetos descubiertos en el sitio.
El Instituto Internacional de Lumbini para la Investigación (LIRI por sus siglas en inglés) está dedicado al estudio del Budismo y otras religiones, contando con una extensa colección de libros de religión, arte y arquitectura.
Día 7: Lumbini – Chitwan National Park
En la madrugada se conduce al Parque Nacional Chitwan, el cual es considerado como uno de los mayores tesoros naturales del país.
Día 8: Chitwan National Park
Más de 43 especies animales se pueden encontrar en Chitwan: el rinoceronte de un cuerno en peligro de extinción, el tigre Real de Bengala, el cocodrilo gavial, el antilope de cuatro cuernos, la hiena a rayas y el delfín de rio son sus principales atracciones.
Día 9: Chitwan National Park
Después de desayunar se tiene el día completo de actividades tales como excursionismo, safari en la jungla, viaje a lomo de elefante, paseos en bote y safari en motocicleta están entre las opciones que se pueden elegir.
Día 10: Chitwan – Nagarkot
Después de desayunar se parte a Nagarkot donde se tienen excelentes vistas de los Himalayas durante la ruta.
Día 11: Nagarkot – Katmandú
Por la mañana se toma el camino de sólo 45 minutos para arribar a Katmandú.
Día 12: Katmandú
Día de relajo para explorar Thamel y realizar las últimas actividades. Por la tarde Matterhorn Treks & Expeditions organiza una cena de despedida.
Día 13: Partida desde Katmandú
Matterhorn Treks & Expeditions transporta cada pasajero al Aeropuerto Internacional para la toma de los respectivos vuelos que lo llevarán a su destinación.
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